lunedì 11 settembre 2023


 ... quest'anno lascio sul mio blog, a memoria dell'11 Settembre del 2001 le parole di Tillie Geidel, la figlia di Gary Geidel uno dei 343 Vigili del fuoco della citta di New York che entrarono nelle torri gemelle in fiamme e non tornarono mai più a casa dalle loro famiglie:

" 22 years ago tonight would be the last night nearly 3,000 got to spend with their families. Not knowing the horror of tomorrow. This was the last night of a different world. A world I would give anything to go back to. I always say the 90's really came to an end on 9/11. A whole other world began that day. One without my father in it.   On 9/10 I got home from school and my dad (Gary Geidel) got home from work. This was the last night we had dinner as a family. We had steak, a baked potato and my dad had his budweiser on the side. After dinner my parents pushed aside all the furniture in the dining room/living room and they danced through the rooms to Irish music. The phone rang, my mom picked it up and it was the firehouse telling her they had overtime for my dad for the morning of the 11th. He was trying to make as much money as he could for us before retiring (in two weeks). That night my dad read a few pages out of the book he had been reading to me at the time  and I fell asleep next to him. I woke up the next day to the worst day of my life." By Tillie Geidel 

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